Saturday, August 27, 2011

'Religion'??? Just one more bit of evidence proving the insanity of humankind.

I made the SERIOUS error of believing a 'rabbi' in Jerusalem that a particular 'doctor' (y'mach sh'mo v'zichro) was reliable and trustworthy, only to discover (unfortunately far too late) that this 'person' was in fact a destroyer of many lives (he had in fact DESTROYED the lives of AT LEAST EIGHTY-THREE OTHER people PRIOR to his using ME as his own "surgical experiment" - the words of that Nazi David Rosner himself, personally witnessed by my so-called 'wife', may she suffer and die in agony for her immorality and her knowingly ILLEGAL actions relating to 'religion' - if she is 'religious', then I am the statue of liberty standing in New York harbor), and for which 'reason' said 'wife' in fact abandoned me to DIE in 1986, upon the advice of yet another 'rabbi', a complete and total lying THIEF, and who is as 'religious' as a dead and rotting swine, this same 'rabbi' who ADMITTED STEALING MILLIONS of $$$$$ to BOTH of us in 1985.  I know for a FACT that this 'rabbi' was directly and intentionally involved in the destruction of my former (so-called) 'marriage', and likewise KNOW that he BRIBED my so-called 'wife' to abandon me to die.  He and his 'religious' organization, based in Brookline, Massachusetts (called "ROFEH" - meaning "healer" in Hebrew) were, have been, and in simple terms of fact, STILL involved in massive insurance fraud in the U.S., and have been doing so (Horowitz OWN admission) for many, many years.  It is not a surprise that Jews are so thoroughly hated after my involvement (direct) with so many admitted criminals in the 'religious' area of purported 'Judaism'.  Because of what was done to me (and still is, in fact) because I REFUSE to "sell out" and LIE to others regarding the actions of far more than just a few people, ALL supposedly 'religious', and have in fact (and still am) being denied relevant and badly needed medical care in Canada, and even told:  "If you need certain medications, you WILL NOT be prescribed them at this 'clinic'; if you need these medications, you can GO AND BUY THEM ON THE STREET!!!!" (this last from a so-called "medical 'professional'".  If "Mary Ann ..." is a "medical professional", then I guess that I AM the living representation of the New York harbor Statue of Liberty, given that the medications I am and have been REFUSED at that so-called 'clinic' are almost impossible to obtain without a valid medical prescription, issued by a REAL practicing physician, NOT some street thief and drug dealer.).  I filed VALID complaints with the B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons, and their reply is summed up by ONE quote of their Nazi-like statements:  "The doctor does not have to give you ANYTHING!!!"  If that is 'medicine' here in Vancouver, B.C., then Adolf Eichmann and Joseph Mengele were actually doing what they should have been doing, but only other Nazis lice would agree with such a statement, as should be clear to any HONEST person, and when not just a few, but in fact THOUSANDS of clearly illegal aliens are receiving whatever medical care they damned-well WANT, NOT "need", while I a LAW-ABIDING citizen of this country, am simply being denied reasonable, normative medical care, based only and exclusively on one factor, and I quote that louse "Mary Ann ..." again:  "You live in a bad area!!"  So bloody WHAT?!?!?  Every one of the illegals are also living in this area, and they get whatever they damned-well want (NOT "need"!!!), while a law-abiding citizen such as myself is DEMANDED to commit patently ILLEGAL ACTS by an individual that is no more a "medical professional" than the aforementioned Statue of Liberty or your average dead and rotting corpse.  "Thanks" for absolutely NOTHING, you supposed 'doctors' and other "medical 'professionals'" as yourselves, that treat truly needful persons (more accurately:  VICTIMS of your abuses) in such fashions, including the purported 'experts' at the B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons, who actually go out of their way to support and protect the violators (so-called 'doctors') of human rights, knowing full well that persons in my position are unable to protect themselves, since (using myself as a very good example) I have no money to hire the LEGAL professional I badly require to "go after" the REAL violators of human rights, leaving the abusers a free and open hand to continue their unwarranted abuses of innocent people, people that are victims of deliberate and intentional medical malpractice in so many fashions as are possible.  If Canada is not taking hints from the Nazis of W.W.II as 'lessons' in human abuse, I would dearly love to know just where they are obtaining their insane (and retarded) and unhuman/inhumane ideas from.  To be forced to suffer such intolerance and intentional abuses at the hands of supposed "medical professionals" such as these creatures is (at the very, very best) disgusting, and absolutely foul and rotten.  Yet this same 'government', that has the absolute gall to permit these ongoing abuses, (eg. Gordon Campbell, the so-called [former, thank goodness] 'premier' of this province, a proven drunk driver, who was NOT forced to resign his position, and dragged his illegal butt around for a far too long a time post drunk-driving arrest in Hawaii before finally doing what he should have done IMMEDIATELY after his arrest, and resigning.  That creature should have been THROWN OUT of his undeserved office, as Phil Gaglardi should have been during his term of office as the highways minister, yet, who drove at INSANE speeds constantly while he pissed out of his purported 'mind' (a matter of B.C. historical records), and was NEVER stopped OR charged with drunk driving.  If a person is driving while inebriated, NO jail terms should be given at all - such a 'driver' should be shot down without arrest or trial and all of his/her money confiscated, but you may disagree, which is insane by itself.  Any drunk driver is pushing many hundreds of kilos of weaponry around on public thoroughfares, just waiting to murder ANY person who may be unfortunate and happen to be anywhere near that rat (forgive me, please, for insulting the rats).  The drunk driver is basically holding on to a hand grenade with the pin pulled out already, just waiting to kill the next person that makes the mistake of crossing the wrong path.  To Hell with drunk drivers in every respect.  It is NOT the duty of the public of this province to pay for the illegal and grossly immoral behavior of such self-centered and totally inconsiderate Nazis (putting it as politely as possible) as the drunk driver, for even one second of that persons' incarceration.  There is NO possible 'excuse' that could ever forgive such actions on the part of the person who gets into an automobile/truck, et cetera, and no punishment is too great for such foul creatures.

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